Personal Deck Assignments
A special assignment type to motivate your students to study their Personal Decks
The Personal Deck Assignment encourages students to consistently review their Personal Decks by providing them with a target number of points to reach by the due date. You can launch a Personal Deck Assignment, by clicking on ‘Create Assignment’ in the Assignments page, and then selecting the “Personal Deck Assignment” option:
In a Personal Deck Assignment, students earn points towards this Personal Deck Assignment by completing personal deck study sessions each day (learn more about what a personal deck study session is here).
The first completed personal deck study session of each day is worth 1 point, while additional study sessions completed after the first session of the day are only worth 0.5 points each. Therefore, students should prioritize consistently doing one session per day, rather than cramming several sessions all into one day. Finally, if a student does not have any personal deck questions due, the student can earn a point by clicking the 'Claim Free Session' button:
Example of Personal Deck Assignment
As an example, let's say that the teacher sets a target of 5 points, and provides 7 days for students to complete this assignment. In this example, a student can reach the target 5 points by logging in to Podsie 5 out of the 7 days to complete a personal deck study session. Alternatively, they could also choose to wait until the very last day to log onto Podsie to cram and earn all of the points. However, this is not recommended because:
- The first completed session of the day counts for 1 full point, while subsequent completed sessions of that day count only for 0.5 points. In our example, rather than just completing 5 sessions spread out over 5 different days, this student would now need to complete 9 study sessions all on one day (the first session is 1 point, remaining 8 sessions are each worth 0.5 points to earn the remaining 4 points).
- Important Note: If the student runs out of "due" Personal Deck Questions on that last day to practice, then they are actually unable to earn the remaining amount of points because there will be no study sessions for them to start. In that case, they would have to complete that Personal Deck Assignment after the due date (learn more about how students complete late Personal Deck Assignments). For example, let's say that a student is trying to earn all 5 points on the last day. Suppose the student finishes 2 study sessions and is now at 1.5 points earned, if the student runs out of Personal Deck Questions that are actually "due" on that day, then they'll be able to complete that Personal Deck Assignment by the due date.